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Monday, March 9, 2009

Bacon Shakin'

Gorilla: A popular comedic method is creating a parody of other popular works.  A fine example of this is the scene from the film "Footloose" where Kevin Bacon dances because he is angry.  I first came across a parody of this scene in the final episode of the first season of "Flight of the Conchords" when Bret is kicked out of the band and he goes on an anrgy rampage of fancy footwork.  I understand that the scene from "Footloose" was aslo parodied in the recent film "Hot Rod" with Andy Samberg.  As with all parodies, they are funnier if you are familiar with the original content.  Therefore I traveled great distances to the land of YouTube and watched the infamous scene.  What I saw could have been the most rediculous scene in motion picture history.  Perhaps some of the material in the scene was lost on me because I did not watch the whole movie, but I doubt any previous plot from the movie would validate the things I saw. 
I'm not upset about it, I just think it was rediculous.  Take a look...


  1. Im so fucking glad i was not raised in the 80s

  2. Bowie: He's dancing because he's angry?...
    No, that's not gay... totally fine.
