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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Female Moustaches

Gorilla: After reading the title of this post, you may need to sit down and take a deep breath. It is understandable, but I am about to make a proposition that may change society forever.
This topic first arose in my mind when I glanced at a female staff member at my school and there seemed to be about one too many hairs on her upper lip. For some reason I did not immediately run to the bathroom to reintroduce myself to my Ramen noodles I had for lunch. I was fine with it. Acceptance flowed through me followed by the belief that all upper lips were created equal. So here it is: IT SHOULD BE SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE FOR WOMEN TO HAVE MOUSTACHES

Now, before you start rioting in the streets or doing anything else crazy like wearing a Boston RedSox hat, let me explain myself.
I'm not saying that I am attracted to woolly women, just that some ladies should be allowed to sport possibly the greatest facial attribute of all time. Being able to grow facial hair is like having a super power. If a female can grow a stache better than I can, go for it. I'm not saying I can't grow one, heck give me a few weeks and you'll want me to mow your lawn.
I'm not forcing society to think that the female moustache is sexy. I would just like society to be walking down the street and see Ms. Jane Doe but mistake her for Rollie Fingers and be OK with it.
This is a hot topic and I am sure it will be debated to no end during the presidential election race. Please debate yourselves with comments.


  1. ok...
    I was sceptical when you first told me about it... but i see your point

  2. pissed on the directions

  3. who were those people jim stated at the school?

  4. i threw up in my mouth a little
