If you happen to be a reader of Pitchfork, or any indie music site for that matter, you've already heard of Deerhunter. And you may also know that Deerhunter recently released an album titled Halcyon Digest, which just happens to be UNBELIEVABLE.
This band is very difficult to figure out. Their first album, Cryptograms, can only be described as modern shoegaze. Very difficult to listen to, but, if you're into that shoegaze stuff, it was a gem.
With their sophomore album, Microcastle, Deerhunter cleaned up the production a bit (a small bit, mind you.) They were easier to listen to, and Bradford Cox really grew as a lyricist. He seemed fragile (which only fits his physical appearance. The dude has Marfan Syndrome, which makes him the most gaunt-looking human being I've ever seen.) Not to mention, Nothing Ever Happened was a straight up jam:
I thought my Deerhunter love would peak after Microcastle. They were one of those bands I always enjoyed, but not to the extent where I could listen to their albums all the way through in one sitting. And then, all of a sudden, Halcyon Digest happened:
As Wolf can certainly attest to, Deerhunter stepped up their shit. This album is their most accessible and diverse album yet. A few examples:
Revival, my personal favorite of the album, is probably the most like their previous material. It would've fit right in on Microcastle. If you aren't sure this is your type of song, at least listen for the change of pace at 1:20, which is one of my favorite moments of the record. Then again, I am a sucker for tiny little moments that shouldn't make a song, but for me, they do:
Next, we have Helicopter, the first single off Halcyon Digest. It's an interesting change of pace for Deerhunter, one I could only describe as "haunting"..
Finally, Coronado. If you told me that Deerhunter could ever sound like Buddy Holly, I would've laughed in your face. But damn, Deerhunter sounds like a 50's Back to the Future band in this song. And it's...like...really good? Why is this good? I don't know. But...it's...good...
Helicopter is on that short list of songs that will NEVER get old for me (ie two weeks, the rat, a-punk) but it doesn't have that same kind of irresistible catchiness which makes it that much more impressive as a song.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I still prefer Revival or Coronado, but Helicopter's a gem also