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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Funniest Blog On the Web....


...No, it's not us.  We need to break our record of more than 6 people online at once before we claim that title.

But I've been a longtime reader of Stereogum, a great blog to check out if you are looking for new music.  They have a sister site named Videogum, in which the writers post ridiculous videos from around the web that make you shit your pants.

One of the funniest things I have seen in the blog circuit in quite some time is Videogum's "Hunt for the Worst Movie Of All Time."  They review some of the more recognizable movies from our lifetime, and basically rip them new assholes.  Some of these movies you may love, some you may already hate, but undoubtedly the writer of these reviews will make any movie seem like a ludicrous idea to begin with.  Take, for instance, Gabe's brief yet hilarious synopsis of Spielberg's "A.I." film...

"A.I. takes place in the near future, and is about a little boy robot who is programmed to love. His mom/owner is this lady whose real son is sick and so her husband buys her a robot son to keep her company because he's ALL HEART. At first she doesn't know if she likes this robot, but then she decides to like him for no reason, so she "imprints" him, which means that for all of eternity he will love her and she will be his sweet mommy bear. Then one day her real son gets better and comes home and he hates the robot. The husband also hates the robot even though he bought him. Eventually, they decide to send the robot back to CyberCorp to be destroyed, but the mom doesn't have the heart to do it so she takes the robot out into the woods and leaves him there, because of how thoughtful she is. Then the little boy robot meets a Jude Law sex robot, and they go looking for the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio because otherwise you might forget how heavy-handed this movie uses Pinocchio as a reference. Eventually, the little boy robot and the Jude Law robot visit the abandoned city of Man-hat-tan, which, despite being abandoned and almost completely underwater, also happens to be where the creator of the little boy robot is just hanging out in his oak-paneled office. Sweet! He tells the little boy robot that he's really special, but then the little boy robot sees other little boy robots and realizes he's just a robot and tries to commit robot suicide. Then he drives a policemobile into the ocean and gets trapped at Coney Island and 2000 years later future space alien robots save him from the ice and use some hair to bring his mommy back for one day because this whole thing is fucking ridiculous."

Pure genius...check out to see other reviews of other ridiculous movies

1 comment:

  1. , this is a great video
